Consumer Intelligence

    Get the most out of your customers

    Research is not the results of fieldwork. The value of research lies in the ability of the researcher to read through the results, understand the “story” behind them, and offer conclusions that relate directly to the issues at hand.

    We at Alternative use our extensive experience in business intelligence to enhance our researcher DNA so as to offer state-of-the-art research methodologies that bring customer-input closer to the decision-makers and we use our marketing strategy know-how to produce actionable conclusions that will help you to get the most out of your customers!

    But no conclusion is correct when it does not come from the correct audience. Alternative employs one of the largest certified and continuously updated recruitment panels in Greece with over 20,000 respondents each of whom has been interviewed in person. Our dedicated in-house Research Recruitment Team secures the appropriateness of each respondent for any given study, via a mechanism of strict application of profile-controls and a minimum criterion for at least two controls prior to acceptance for participation in any project. This guarantees that our “source material” (the respondent) is always of the highest quality.

    Research Methodologies:



    On line Platforms